Orchid Pork follow up E-Mail
Sent today to Mayor Feichthaler, Council members Boyd,Day,Jeffers and Rosado who voted to approve Orchid Blvd. curbing.
Mayor and Council members addressed;
This email is specifically addressed to those who voted for curbing all Orchid Blvd. medians.
In previous e-mails to you on 9-26-5 the comparison of Orchid "neighborhood association street" as it relates to other similar neighborhood association streets was provided. That comparison pointed out that only the first median off Del Prado Blvd. is curbed, with the exception of Beach Parkway that connects to Jaycee Park. That comparison also pointed out that by comparison traffic on Orchid is practically non existent. As a reminder those neighborhood association streets included; Savona, Palaco Grande, Cornwallis, Everest, Four Mile Cove and Balado.
You should also note that off of Everest there is another neighborhood association street SE 23rd Ave. marking the entrance to the "Gold Coast Estates" with median improvements that were done by the local neighborhood association residents and has no curbing.
Our questions are:
Is it still your intent to go forward to curb all medians on Orchid? Would you now reconsider curbing just the first median off DelPrado based on the information that has been provided?
If the intent is go forward to curb all Orchid Blvd. medians please explain why you would do this for a street that has so little traffic as compared to the other streets mentioned? Why would you do this on Orchid Blvd. when there are major 4 lane arterial roads throughout the city without median curbing?
Thank you for your indulgence, we look forward to your response.
Ralph LePera, President
Cape Coral Civic Association
Note: See city response in comments.