September 30, 2005

Orchid Pork follow up E-Mail

Sent today to Mayor Feichthaler, Council members Boyd,Day,Jeffers and Rosado who voted to approve Orchid Blvd. curbing.
Mayor and Council members addressed;
This email is specifically addressed to those who voted for curbing all Orchid Blvd. medians.
In previous e-mails to you on 9-26-5 the comparison of Orchid "neighborhood association street" as it relates to other similar neighborhood association streets was provided. That comparison pointed out that only the first median off Del Prado Blvd. is curbed, with the exception of Beach Parkway that connects to Jaycee Park. That comparison also pointed out that by comparison traffic on Orchid is practically non existent. As a reminder those neighborhood association streets included; Savona, Palaco Grande, Cornwallis, Everest, Four Mile Cove and Balado.
You should also note that off of Everest there is another neighborhood association street SE 23rd Ave. marking the entrance to the "Gold Coast Estates" with median improvements that were done by the local neighborhood association residents and has no curbing.
Our questions are:
Is it still your intent to go forward to curb all medians on Orchid? Would you now reconsider curbing just the first median off DelPrado based on the information that has been provided?
If the intent is go forward to curb all Orchid Blvd. medians please explain why you would do this for a street that has so little traffic as compared to the other streets mentioned? Why would you do this on Orchid Blvd. when there are major 4 lane arterial roads throughout the city without median curbing?
Thank you for your indulgence, we look forward to your response.
Ralph LePera, President
Cape Coral Civic Association
Note: See city response in comments.

September 26, 2005

What he said then & now

On Sept. 21, 2005 at the final budget hearing, Eric said spending based on population is "not a fair comparison." What other comparison is there?

September 24, 2005

Another Do Nothing Resolution

Resolution 52-05, Mickey Rosado sponsor
Well, Murder and Rape are just as inhumane and evil and against the law, as is Human Trafficking against the law. Will we see more redundant resolutions from city council for these as well? How about a Resolution Adopting a Policy of Zero Tolerance for redundant politicians lacking common sense?
UPDATE:Last night council adopted this resolution on a 6-2 vote. Today's News-Press article referred to the resolution as being "toothless."

September 15, 2005

Hurricanes 1950-2004

You can copy and paste this map for enhanced viewing.

September 13, 2005

2006 City Budget

Here are a few thoughts on the City Budget

Since FY 2001, to the now proposed FY 2006 Budget:

* General Fund spending increased more than 112%, from $57.2M to $121M.
* Population increased 33%, from 107,377 to 143,000 people.
How is a 112% increase in spending justified with a 33% population increase?
* Ad valorem revenues increased 290%, while millage reductions decreased only 20.47%.
* 86% of the millage reduction is from reduced debt service, 0.7914 mills to 0.1119 mills. Conclusion: Millage reductions are NOT a result of fiscal constraints in spending.

September 09, 2005

City Budget, Discretionary Funding

Discretionary funding/spending is the means by which city council can appropriate contributions to charitable organizations using tax dollars to do so. At the first budget hearing for the FY 2006 city budget, after years of toiling to rid ourselves of the discriminatory burden of “discretionary funding” from city budgets, we now have some on city council who believe the city needs to distribute your tax dollars to selected charitable organizations.
Update:Some council members don't understand the word NO. After voting no during the first budget hearing this same issue came back again at the final budget hearing. First there was a motion to give away $34K of your tax dollars, that motion failed. Still they persisted with another motion for $25K, that motion also failed on a 4-4 vote. Those that wanted to spend are; Boyd, Day, Jeffers and Rosado.

Pork Barrel Spending

A couple of items showed up this past Wed. evening during the first budget hearing. These were not part of the core budget nor were they included in the supplemental considerations for additions to the budget having previous discussion by council. Much like the magician pulling rabbits out of a hat these items are being contemplated for final budget approval on Sept. 21.
AJ Boyd wants $225K for landscape curbing for Orchid Blvd. This item failed on a 4-4 vote this past Wed. but have no doubt, he will bring it back at the final hearing. The Orchid Blvd. homeowners (including AJ’s parents) have done a wonderful job with their sign and medians, however this expenditure was not planned and should not be included as part of this year’s budget expense! They have also sent in e-mails supporting this added expense as a result of the failed vote.

AJ also got the majority of council to add $1,000,000. into the budget for new slides at Sun Splash. Again this is not part of the core budget or supplemental considerations. There is no need to add these to Sun Splash when you consider that the water park is currently operating at its maximum capacity. I consider both items as being PORK.
Update:At the final budget hearing Mayor Feichthaler flip flopped on his previous NO vote, voting with Boyd, Day, Jeffers and Rosado for $225,000 of PORK for Orchid Blvd. curbing.

Civic Anniversary Meeting

You are invited!
Long before most of us moved here, and long before there was a mayor-council-city manager government, there was a Cape Coral Civic Association.
On April 2, 1962 Civic elected its first President, Verne J. Schlegel and Board of Directors, and according to news paper accounts Cape’s population was 1605 people including 406 children. The first general meeting of the Civic Association took place on Monday June 4, 1962 at the “new Cape Coral Yacht and Racquet Club,” and we have been meeting there ever since. On Sept. 17, 1963 the Civic Association incorporated in the State of Florida.
Today, the Cape Coral Civic Association continues to be a “forum for people” for discussion of issues affecting our city. On behalf of the more than 250 Civic members we wish to extend an open invitation to the general public to come and help celebrate Civics’ 42nd anniversary since incorporation.
What a fantastict fun filled evening we had last night at Civic and I want to thank all those who contributed by their presence.

September 04, 2005

Council rules or citizens rules

Here's an e-mail we received regarding Resolution 51-05
(final public comment will be heard Sept. 12)

Jim Nix
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 7:54 PM
Subject: res 51-05
Is this an attempt to stiffle input from the citizens of cape coral? Your BIO on the web site says you want input from the citizens of the cape. Look at the last statement on your BIO and see if this res 51-05 meets that goal.
I have noticed lately that there is never a mention of what sort of job you have, some people say nothing and question how you feed your family. It is noticed that you still seem to try to do favors for Westfall. Also noticed is your sweetness on Dumbo Rosado. Maybe you pick up a few dollars delivering cakes for his wife if thats how they make their living. Since he is gone so much, it can't be him making a living for his family. I'm sure no one suspects that there is any sort of under the table money being passed around the cape politicans. I know I would never accuse any one of that sort of thing as I know and trust that all of you are outstanding citizens and we should all be proud of you guys. After all, where could you find a person willing to spend so much of his own money to be a Mayor of a town that he just returned to after all those years of roaming around the country and world. We should all feel so lucky to be here and know that our future is in capable hands.
Another plus I forgot to mention for the people of the cape is that we also have one guy that is some sort of county school adminstrator for a fire and police school and therefore deems himself as being in law enforcement and misses no chance to bring that up during council meetings. If I was a person that enjoyed a beer once and a while I would also point out that we have one new member that can tell you where to get a beer (or beers) and still get home safley even if you argue with the cops.
Until I started this email , It had not hit me as to how lucky we the citizens of the cape are. The more I typed the better I felt about being here. I started thinking about how unique we are here in the cape. I even noticed on the web site that we are getting ready to celebrate how unique we are. It seems that nobody else in South West Florida has cocunuts, fish , waterways, tropical setting and god knows what else. A big one I missed , BOATING, how could I be so stupid. I must go now because I want to see if we have a nice sunset to view because I'm sure no body else in sw fla has one like ours. God, I feel lucky.