September 04, 2005

Council rules or citizens rules

Here's an e-mail we received regarding Resolution 51-05
(final public comment will be heard Sept. 12)

Jim Nix
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 7:54 PM
Subject: res 51-05
Is this an attempt to stiffle input from the citizens of cape coral? Your BIO on the web site says you want input from the citizens of the cape. Look at the last statement on your BIO and see if this res 51-05 meets that goal.
I have noticed lately that there is never a mention of what sort of job you have, some people say nothing and question how you feed your family. It is noticed that you still seem to try to do favors for Westfall. Also noticed is your sweetness on Dumbo Rosado. Maybe you pick up a few dollars delivering cakes for his wife if thats how they make their living. Since he is gone so much, it can't be him making a living for his family. I'm sure no one suspects that there is any sort of under the table money being passed around the cape politicans. I know I would never accuse any one of that sort of thing as I know and trust that all of you are outstanding citizens and we should all be proud of you guys. After all, where could you find a person willing to spend so much of his own money to be a Mayor of a town that he just returned to after all those years of roaming around the country and world. We should all feel so lucky to be here and know that our future is in capable hands.
Another plus I forgot to mention for the people of the cape is that we also have one guy that is some sort of county school adminstrator for a fire and police school and therefore deems himself as being in law enforcement and misses no chance to bring that up during council meetings. If I was a person that enjoyed a beer once and a while I would also point out that we have one new member that can tell you where to get a beer (or beers) and still get home safley even if you argue with the cops.
Until I started this email , It had not hit me as to how lucky we the citizens of the cape are. The more I typed the better I felt about being here. I started thinking about how unique we are here in the cape. I even noticed on the web site that we are getting ready to celebrate how unique we are. It seems that nobody else in South West Florida has cocunuts, fish , waterways, tropical setting and god knows what else. A big one I missed , BOATING, how could I be so stupid. I must go now because I want to see if we have a nice sunset to view because I'm sure no body else in sw fla has one like ours. God, I feel lucky.



How interesting, "anonymous" comes on the Chatline blog page and posts a comment about NOT wanting to associate with such a "negative organization."
"Anonymous" credits the Cape Coral Civic Association for what is posted and that simply is not the case, OBVIOUSLY.
If "anonymous" really wants to know what Civic is all about I would suggest you start by coming to our meetings that are open to the public, as they have been for the past 43 years, on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Cape Coral Yacht Club.
Civic discusses issues and takes positions on those issue as it relates to our homeowners of this city.
Relative to the comment about a "poor relationship between the city and Civic," I think Civic has a great relationship with our city. After all, Civic was the engine behind the incorporation of the City of Cape Coral.
Ralph LePera, President
CC Civic Assn.

11/12/2005 10:42 AM  

The post that has anonymous upset came from Jim Nix and was sent to a Council member Boyd. Mr. Nix is not a member of Civic however; he is a taxpayer and member of the community. The posting on Chatline simply reflects how this individual felt about Res. 51-05. He also put his name on the e-mail, unlike our anonymous
‘friend’ who has visited our site before and has left similar comments.
I must say that I did get a chuckle in reading this statement, "I visited your website to learn more about your organization and how I could participate." Yes, and I have a bridge that I would like to sell you! By the way Civic is NOT my organization. Civic belongs to the more than 270 members of the organization.

11/17/2005 9:25 AM  

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