Some estimate there are are as many as 2000 monitor lizards in Cape Coral and increasing daily. Monitors, according to Dr. Todd Cambell a trapper and "eradication expert," can grow to 7 feet in length and weigh upwards of 30 lbs. They are carnivores, they are aggressive and they are a threat to our fragile borrowing owl population, domestic pets and yes, small children as well. Civic first became aware of this problem at our meetings in April when a guest brought up the problem of having sighted these lizards in her back yard. This prompted Civics first e-mail to the CM and Council on the issue. E-mails sent since have encouraged a more aggressive approach to eradicating this nuisance.
On Oct. 3, 2005 Cape's Nile Monitor Lizard problem made national TV on FOX NEWS Bill O'Reilly Report. O'Reilly featured this segment after hearing Paul Harvey talk about Cape’s lizard problem on the radio just a few days earlier. Having Cape Coral known as the lizard capitol just doesn't fit the image of paradise. We suggest you direct your concerns on this issue to the Mayor and Council.
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