Last week City Manager Terry Stewart fired Human Resource Director, Phil Jackson under City Charter provision 5.04 (a) allowing the CM to remove any employee "for the good of the city." This action came about over a hiring issue dealing with a minority applicant.
Since Jackson was fired “at will” this means that even though he has been terminated he will receive a severance package of 4 months salary plus any aquired leave and vacation time. Jackson was making approximately $105K per year. Had Jackson been fired “for cause” no salary severance package would have to be paid.
There are some who believe the CM may have been under pressure by certain council members to fire Jackson and may have prompted his decission. Here are some comments that appeared in the news media, "Terry Stewart was very deliberate in the way he conducted his investigation," Day said. "We arrived at the same place. We just took different routes."
"I expected no less of Terry Stewart," said Rosado. The Hispanic community was upset about the case, he said. "This definitely leaves a bad taste," Rosado said. "When people come up to me and ask how to get a job with the city, I say, 'Trust the process.' "
The “at will” provision was added to the city charter (by the voters) back in the mid 1990’s when David Sallee was the city manager. Many believe this charter revision was added to give a weak city manager more control over his employees.
The question is, how do you feel about the “at will” provision that allows for termination of any city employee by the city manager with or without cause?