Civic May 22, 2007 “Meet and Greet” city council candidates

This month at Civic, Lee County Property Ken Wilkinson will briefly discuss the SOH Portability petition initiative to put the issue of portability on the ballot for the 2008 elections. The petitions are due by March of next year. Ken will be asking Civic to head up volunteers at each polling place during the Sept. primary elections to have the petitions signed.
Civic will also host a “meet and greet” city council candidates. Civic is inviting all candidates and their supporters who intend to run for the five council seats this fall. Each candidate will be given 5 minutes to introduce themselves and identify their three top issue facing
Civic meetings are held at the CC Yacht Club on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 7-9 pm. Civic meetings are provided free of charge and open to the general public. Refreshments will be served following the meeting. Note: There will be no Civic meeting in July and August. For additional information please call Leelo.