CC Civic Association March 27 Meeting
On April 3, 2007, voters will be asked to approve a general obligation (GO) bond to pay for a new $110 million Public Safety Facility for the police and fire administration services.
The Cape Coral Civic Association, in keeping with its tradition of addressing issues facing our city, will host a presentation provided by Police Chief Robert Petrovich and Fire Chief Bill Van Helden on the proposed new Public Safety Building. A Question and Answer period from the public will follow the presentation. Civic trusts by presenting this community forum that the public will make a more informed decision when they vote on this issue.
Civic meetings are open to the general public and provided free of charge as a public service to the community. Civic meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 7-9 pm at the Cape Coral Yacht Club. Refreshments will be served following the meeting.
For additional information please call Leelo at 540-3340