DelPrado Blvd. N should be county road

CC: Mayor, City Council and City Manager
Subject: DelPrado Blvd.
Please be advised that the position of the Cape Coral Civic Association relative to Del Prado Blvd. is and has been that Del Prado Blvd. from Cape Coral Parkway to US 41 should be a county road.
While we understand county staff’s previous recommendations we strongly believe that at the very least the county should have a more direct involvement with the city’s current efforts to widen Del Prado Blvd. from SR-78 to Kismet. The recent news from the property appraiser of Cape values increasing 49% is not only good news to the city but certainly benefits the county as well with increased revenues generated from our city. The BOCC needs to recognize the economic importance of the City of Cape Coral and enhance in every possible way the growth that continues to occur here.
It is obvious to most that in the event of an evacuation DelPrado Blvd. would be the major route inland toward the interstate. Certainly with the interchange being contemplated on I-75, Del Prado Blvd. would serve as the major route off the peninsula that serves as Cape's home. As County Commissioners your share in the responsibility for the safety and welfare of the residents of Cape Coral who also reside in the County of Lee.
Civics’ position should come as no surprise. Civic has long advocated and expressed this position to each of you on the BOCC for as long as you have been in office. In some cases that amounts to a good number of years. And let us remind you that the question of Del Prado Blvd. as a county road has always been asked during your election campaigns. We have now reached the point where the rubber meets the road and we are looking for your financial support on the issue of DelPrado Blvd. widening and improvements.
Thank you for giving your every consideration to providing for the safety and welfare of Cape Coral citizens as part of this county wide transportation improvement. Please get behind this effort with your commitment.
Dear Mr. LePera,
Thank you for contacting Commissioner Bob Janes, District #1, Lee County Board of County Commissioners. Please accept this response that Commissioner Janes has received and reviewed your comments. He is out of town attending the Florida Association of Counties Annual Conference, but he has asked that I respond to your message on his behalf.
Scott Gilbertson, Director of LDOT, has informed this office that they are underway with the Del Prado Boulevard Corridor Study which includes a task to develop criteria to determine if this road should be the county's jurisdiction. That portion of the study should be done by August and they hope to get a report and recommendation to the Board by September for a vote. However, the entire corridor study is not scheduled for completion until April 2006.
Please let me assure you that as soon as this office receives a copy of the corridor study, staff's recommendations, and the date of the public hearing on this issue, I will be happy to forward a copy to you for your review and input. In the meantime, if Commissioner Janes or I may be of any assistance to you and your membership please do not hesitate to contact us.
Nan Summerall Gonzalez, Executive Assistant
Robert "Bob" P. Janes, District #1
Lee County Board of County Commissioners
Post Office Box 398
Ft. Myers, FL 33902-0398
239/335-2224 (office)
239/335-2355 (fax)
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